Investments | Job Creation | Southern California Real Estate

投资 | 创造就业机会 | 南加州的房地产
Rancon Regional Center - EB5 Center for American Investment 瑞肯区域中心 – 美国投资移民中心

Rancon Regional Center - EB5 Center for American Investment 瑞肯区域中心 – 美国投资移民中心

RANCON - Since 1971 瑞肯 – 创立于1971年

RANCON - Since 1971 瑞肯 – 创立于1971年

Quality Development Projects 高品质的开发项目

Quality Development Projects 高品质的开发项目

Your Road to Residency 获得永久居留权的捷径

Your Road to Residency 获得永久居留权的捷径

Job Creation Through Capital Investment 透过投资,创造就业机会

Job Creation Through Capital Investment 透过投资,创造就业机会


Since 1971, the name Rancon has been associated with real property transactions in one of the nation’s premier developing areas. From real estate investment to development, Rancon has established a track record for sustainable futures in the real estate market. Today, the Rancon Regional Center represents investors, business developers and real estate interests. Together, we have our eyes on the future.


